Strategic Goals and Objectives of E-Government:
The key subject areas of the strategy relate to the alignment of the ICT4D Policy to reflect issues of e-Government and leverage on regional and international best practices for e-Government implementation. There are four main goals that are identified, to wit:
- Ensuring Efficiency and Sustainability of the eGovernment Ecosystem;
- Having Common Systems and Standards for Infrastructure and Administrative Services;
- Realizing e-Government in Public Services;
- Increasing Usage, Participation and Transparency;
These goals would lead to the realisation of some of the very minimum common objectives and these include having a single access point (portal) for 24/7 eGovernment services delivery, enhancement of ICT skills, building trust, transparency and accountability in Government transactions, a borderless access to
Government information, the use of common standards and assuring efficiency of the public sector for the competitiveness of the national economy.
This relates to the improvement of the governance mechanism to ensure the full participation of all stakeholders in the e-Government ecosystem.
Within this goal, the main objective is to reform the existing civil and public services to utilize new technologies and trends and to be user- centric.
This relates to developing and improving the common systems and standards for infrastructure necessary for developing e-Government services and systems
This goal is to achieve a pervasive usage of e-Government services, increasing participation of all in the utilization of the services with a high degree of transparency.