
Strategic Goals and Objectives of E-Government:

The key subject areas of the strategy relate to the alignment of the ICT4D Policy to reflect issues of e-Government and leverage on regional and international best practices for e-Government implementation. There are four main goals that are identified, to wit:

  • Ensuring Efficiency and Sustainability of the eGovernment Ecosystem;
  • Having Common Systems and Standards for Infrastructure and Administrative Services;
  • Realizing e-Government in Public Services;
  • Increasing Usage, Participation and Transparency;

These goals would lead to the realisation of some of the very minimum common objectives and these include having a single access point (portal) for 24/7 eGovernment services delivery, enhancement of ICT skills, building trust, transparency and accountability in Government transactions, a borderless access to
Government information, the use of common standards and assuring efficiency of the public sector for the competitiveness of the national economy.

Efficiency & Sustainability of e-Government Ecosystem

This relates to the improvement of the governance mechanism to ensure the full participation of all stakeholders in the e-Government ecosystem.

Realizing e-Government in Public Services

Within this goal, the main objective is to reform the existing civil and public services to utilize new technologies and trends and to be user- centric.

Common Systems and Standards for Infrastructure & Services

This relates to developing and improving the common systems and standards for infrastructure necessary for developing e-Government services and systems

Increasing Usage, Participation and Transparency

This goal is to achieve a pervasive usage of e-Government services, increasing participation of all in the utilization of the services with a high degree of transparency.